Audys Acoustic Audio Panels manufactured italy.jpg


AUDYS - acoustic, vibrant and harmonic panels designed to create a unique listening experience in all environments. Custom projects designed and produced in Italy.

AUDYS acoustic panels are available in standard and custom formats, they allow you to improve the acoustic performance, allowing you to enhance the performance of a High End or Hifi audio system.


manufactured By audys in italy


The panel stems from the idea of ​​integrating 3 types of treatment that are generally separated:
1 diffraction
2 absorption as a vibrating panel
3 absorption by transformation into heat given by the cells of a porous material

A combination of passion and know-how • About wood and physics principles • Built as an acoustic instrument


The panels are available in different formats, finishes and colors: grey, white, custom colors and natural wood.

We chose an extremely porous and light wood whose cells allow a good absorption coefficient for porosity from 0.15 at low frequencies to >0.3 at high frequencies.

The wooden panels are carefully selected by a “beating” procedure to ensure the best vibrance and resonance. This highly specialized technique is operated by a Master whose knowledge is mutuated from the construction of musical instruments, combining acoustics and music principles.

The diffraction is based on a series of 23 numbers as a quadratic Schroeder resonator, but with some calculation applied to modify the series. Starting from an effective initial response between 2500 and 12500 Hz we have further enlarge the frequencies range.

Built to improve

HiFi and High-End performances •

Combining the best

sound vibrance, resonance, refraction and absorption


The vibrating panel was calibrated for an effective response in a large environment that housed a panel of 3 meters x 1.2 meters and a fundamental of 14Hz. With the subsequent integration of the speaker grooves, the vibrating panel has acquired multiple vibrations creating a Broadband response ranging from 26Hz for large panels to 100/120 Hz for the smaller panels.

With a careful eye • To all details • Selected one by one • For the best solutions


However, the integration of assembly and restraint systems made it possible to build large walls from multiples of 60x120 and 30x120 and also 60x240 and 30x240, with linear lengths of even 3 meters. In this case the behaviour combines in a single part the behaviour of the wall of 3 meters with the sub-elements that compose it. AUDYS TOTEM S2 60x180 cm is 15 cm deep for low frequencies and 5 cm as standard version.




Audys is an Harmonic vibrating Panel


For more information please contact us:
+39 06